Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cybele Pascal's Free to Eat Chocolate Chip Cookies

My Thoughts on Cybele's New Allergy Free & Vegan Cookies

I ran in Kroger in a rush this past weekend to pick up a few items. Just as i turned to dart off of the health food aisle I remembered, "Cybele's cookies are supposed to be out now!!" screech!! One 45 degree turn to the right and there they were...looking like little angels.

But geez the box was so small!

I've waited for these cookies so anxiously, though, that I just snatched then up and ran.

I couldn't wait to get the box open. But first I needed to investigate. I lined the box up next to Little Ninja's favorite, the Enjoy Life Double Chocolate Brownie cookies. I looked at the front and much to my surprise the weights of the boxes were the same - 6 oz.

I turned the box over to examine it and it turns out that Cybele's Free to Eat brand just decided to minimize waste. High five Cybele! Now...on to what we allergy mama's love to see.

This ya gotta love.

And this.

Oh yes, and this.

Now to the reason you came. The taste.

Let's just say I was in chocolate chip heaven. At first bite the cookies put you in the mindset of the Keebler Soft Batch cookies that came out back in the day.

Soft on the palate, they crumble gently in your mouth as you chew. There's chocolaty goodness in every bite, which means there was no bite without at least one chocolate chip. So these ain't your el cheapo dollar brand cookies; they didn't skimp. These babies are jam packed with chocolate morsels. Sweet with a texture that melts in your mouth as you go, and creamy to the last bite. The cookies have an all around full and very balanced taste. It seems like all the ingredients in these cookies were meant to co-exist. At the finish it feels light and satisfying.The only bad part (which I guess is great for Cybele) is that these little babies are addictive and they beckon you for more.

Darn good these were. I ate three back to back. Don't you dare judge me. Yes, these were purchased for my little ninja, I think. Well, were they? Okay probably not. But I am happy to let him share in the joy of this thing called the Free to Eat Chocolate Chip Cookie.

So, the verdict? GUILTY. Guilty of pleasure, happiness and one big allergy free mama smile.

These cookies are winners. This was Ninjas first time having a chocolate chip cookie so I couldn't wait to see his response. And, well...he loved them! Now let's all do the happy dance.

Thanks, Cybele!

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